Project Snapshot
- Name of Project: Transmission System for Jam khambaliya Pooling Station and Interconnection for providing connectivity to RE Projects (1500 MW) in Dwarka (Gujarat) and Installation of 400/220 kV ICT along with associated bays at M/s CGPL Switchyard
- Project Location: Gujarat
- Regulator – CERC
- Circuit Length: 38 Ckm
- Scheduled COD: Mar 2021
- Concession / TSA Term: 35 years
- Project Mode: Tariff Based Competitive Bid
- Project Type: Central
- Beneficiary State / Transmission Customers: Renewable Energy Generators
- Business Model : Build Own Operate Maintain
Project Highlights
- Green energy corridor project to provide impetus to renewable energy generators
- Fixed tariff
About the Project
The project “Jam Khambaliya Transco Limited” consists of approximately 40 ckt kms of 400 kV D/C line along with 400 kV Substation at Jam Khambaliya in Gujarat. This project is primarily being constructed to establish Transmission System associated with Long Term Applications from Gujarat’s Wind and Solar Energy Zone in Jamnagar. The associated transmission line in the project shall be used to evacuate power generated by renewable energy generators in Jam Khambaliya region to Lakadia Pooling station.
Project Details
Sl. No. | Name of the Transmission Element | Location |
1 | Establishment of 4x500MVA, 400/220kV Jam Khambhaliya PS (GIS) along with the associated 8 nos future bays and 1x125MVAr, 420kV Bus reactor | Gujarat |
2 | Extension of Essar–Lakadia/ Bhachau 400kV D/c (triple snowbird) line upto Jam Khambhaliya PS 2 nos. of 400kV line bays at Jam Khambhaliya PS for termination of Jam Khambhaliya PS-Lakadia 400kV D/c (triple) line 63MVAr switchable Line Reactor at both ends of Lakadia - Jam Khambhaliya 400kV D/c line |
3 | 1x500 MVA, 400/220 ICT at CGPL Mundra switchyard |