Project Snapshot

  • Name of Project: Evacuation of Power from RE Sources in Karur/ Tiruppur Wind Energy Zone (Tamil Nadu) (1000 MW)
  • Project Location: Tamil Nadu
  • Regulator – Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
  • Circuit Length: 8.51 ckms
  • Substation Capacity: 1000 MVA
  • Concession / TSA Term: 35 years
  • Project Mode: Tariff Based Competitive Bid
  • Project Type: Inter State
  • Beneficiary State / Transmission Customers: Renewable Energy Power Generators
  • Business Model: Build Own Operate Maintain

Project Highlights

  • Project to evacuate renewable energy from Karur and Tiruppur wind zone
  • Fixed Tariff

About the Project

Karur Transmission Limited was incorporated to establish Transmission System for “Evacuation of Power from RE Sources in Karur/ Tiruppur Wind Energy Zone (Tamil Nadu) (1000 MW)”. The Project involves establishing a 1000 MVA substation at Karur which shall help evacuate renewable energy from the Karur-Tiruppur region.

Project Details

S.NO. Name of the Transmission Element Location
1. Establishment of 2 x 500 MVA, 400/230 kV Karur Pooling Station Tamil Nadu
2. LILO of both circuits of Pugalur – Pugalur HVDC 400 kV DC line at Karur PS