Workplace Safety (Personal Safety)

Ensuring safe working conditions is of paramount importance to all of us. We believe that a safe workplace instills a sense of security and confidence among our workforce which enhances our productivity. We strive to ensure that every individual working within our premises is protected from any inherent risk related to workplace safety. Safety observations and incidents receive a high priority, with the senior management directly involved in all such matters.


Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones and enhance self as well as organization’s productivity.

  • Pep Talk or Tool Box talks are small awareness programs conducted in presence of supervisors, Engineers / Safety personnel where in workmen are briefed about the potential hazards posed by a job, safety precautions to be taken and past history/incidents if any.
  • Mass tool box talk is small awareness program conducted in large group in the presence of supervisors, Engineers / Safety personnel on a specific topic.
  • Safety Induction ensures workers are fully informed about the organization and are aware of their work and responsibilities. It serves as a starting point to introduce a culture of safety in the workplace.
  • Practical demonstrations are also conducted periodically at work sites to be well conversant with the usage of First-Aid firefighting equipment, rescue form height etc.
  • Class room training is also imparted to employees and to workers
  • On the job training is conducted on regular basis to create safety awareness

Mock Drills

Mock Drills are one of the best tools to evaluate the readiness of an organization for emergency situations. It helps assess response of people to disaster, improves coordination between various departments, checks the competency of planned actions and improves the ability to quickly respond to disaster situations.

Mock Drill is conducted to gauge how promptly and safely the staff evacuates the premises through the emergency exit plan and uses the available resources to avert the emergency situation. The gaps are identified for corrective action in future.

Rewards and Recognition

Through Rewards and Recognition, we aim to encourage our employees to be more aware to safety related issues. As part of the Reward and Recognition policy, a certificate is presented to

  • the candidates who has actively reported Safety concerns in the month
  • the site team with most number of concerns reported in the month.

Rewards are also presented as a part of appreciation to all those who have cracked the competitions conducted across the organization such as Safe Eye Quiz, spotting the highest number of hazards.