The Health and Safety of our people is paramount to us. Our goal is to ensure “No Fatality, No Injuries and No Excuses” to all staffers and contractors.
We consider high safety risks in our projects and electrical safety risks in our O&M. We ensure strict adherence to industry-best practices across our operations and strive to improve our occupational health and safety performance to create a safe and secure workplace. Therefore, we have implemented Safety Management Systems across our projects and O&M to identify and manage hazards, risks and emergencies.
We have also strengthened our safety culture through engagement of all workforce in our safety committees at all sites to meet our set objective of “No Fatality, No Injuries and No Excuses”. Our total workforce is represented in formal joint management systems. As part of the annual safety calendar, safety committees meet every month and develop actions plans. Our employees actively participate in the management of occupational health and safety and are provided regular training on health, safety, security, emergency preparedness and crisis management.
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Our approach and Safety Programs
Creating a Safe ‘workplace’ for all
We have a robust system to capture observations about any unsafe acts or unsafe conditions through various mechanisms such as site safety inspection by top management, site safety representatives, internal audits, external audits and mock drill by the group safety department.
We have set a system to monitor various lead and lag indicators to measure our safety performance at all sites. We focus on leading indicators, which include near misses, safety observation, safety training, mock drill, safety promotional campaign, tool box talk, safety committee meeting. It is ensured that labels, indicators, posters, tags and signage related to safety aspects are displayed for awareness.

Workplace Safety (Personal Safety)
Ensuring safe working conditions is of paramount importance to all of us. We believe that a safe workplace instills a sense of security and confidence among our workforce which enhances our productivity. We strive to ensure that every individual working within our premises is protected from any inherent risk related to workplace safety. Safety observations and incidents receive a high priority, with the senior management directly involved in all such matters.
Process Safety & Quality
As an Integrated Management Systems certified company, we ensure that the three critical management systems — quality, environment, and health and safety are voluntarily implemented and audited. We have obtained appropriate licenses for the handling of hazardous wastes and ensure due compliance with all environmental regulations while dealing with such wastes.
Transport Safety
All vehicles used for company business – whether company owned, hired or leased – at the minimum should meet the motor vehicle act and rule requirement. Company business includes employee commute, official tour travel using company owned, leased or hired vehicle.
Vehicle Drivers are required to comply with all motor vehicle and traffic rules related to safe driving. Vehicles shall not be operated in known unsafe conditions (e.g. with faulty or inadequate brakes, steering, gear, horn, wipers, lights, mirrors, tires or seat belts). Under no circumstances should any employee disable or interfere with the operation of the restraints or any other safety devices provided in vehicle.
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Quality and Product Stewardship
Quality is one of the basic business principles for sustainable business and customer satisfaction. AESL has successfully integrated appropriate global quality standards at each phase of the lifecycle – design and engineering, vendor/material selection, manufacturing integrity, construction integrity, operation and maintenance integrity and continuous upgradation of personal skills. Our quality assurance is managed by a team of professionals with diverse global work experience. The team focuses on continuous processes improvements, problem solving and total quality management tools and techniques.
AESL implemented IMS across its entire establishment and functions to ensure quality adherence during business management, prospecting, fulfilment, and O&M cycle with minimal impact on community and the environment. Our actions and strategy are rooted in the belief that there is no contradiction between business results, stakeholder impact and sustainability. Building customer trust, enhancing vendor relations, improving the service quality, managing costs more efficiently, generating new revenue streams and attracting talent are not just responsible actions, but they also maximise business value.
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